Why Going To Frat Parties in College Makes You A Better Mom?

Ok, I know the title of this post is a stretch, but hear me out….Remember those nights in college when your girlfriend had too much to drink at a frat party and you were responsible for getting her home, but she is crying for no reason, wouldn’t keep her jacket or shoes on, one minute wants bacon the next wants Pop Tarts…. well ladies and gentlemen that is a Toddler!!!!

Patience is the most important quality of a mom. I NEVER considered myself a patient person, yes I know a character flaw, but we can’t be perfect, but I learned patience when I had toddlers. I was lucky to have two boys 18 months apart so I experience back to back years of two year old blues. The random shouting, like frat dudes do, random food craving; one day they wanted strawberries only for breakfast the next strawberries were the worst thing in the world. The mood swings from being so happy to crying on the floor because we only had one box of gold fish left.

We need patience when dealing with drunk friends after frat parties and when we stepped into motherhood of toddlers, PATIENCE is what we can’t get enough off, oh and coffee of course, can never have too much coffee!


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